Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The project has the goal of disseminating Information technology (IT) to students of age between 13 and 15

(last 2 years at Norwegian Ungdomskole) in a International perspective with focus on girls with the final aim to

recruit them to scientific studies (realfagkompetanse) which will open the door to University technological studies.

Sub-objectives of ArTe are the following. G1 IT visibility to society through media. G2 A community around an

International new media art competition on the theme of IT G3 Insight and enthusiasm among students around

IT. G4 A visible network of role models composed by IT professionals and new media artists. G5 Increased


The project exploits new media art to raise awareness and build communities around IT. Our project is based on

the assumption that technology in general and IT in particular can be understood, appreciated, and internalized

when they come in contact with art. Second, art and technology will attract girls to technology and make

visible technological issues to society. Our project has the goal of establishing an International new media art

competition for International students (with emphasis on Norwegian ones) of an age comprised between 13

and 15 years (students of the last 2 years at Ungdomskole). In this project only Norwegian and Italian students

will be directly contacted, but the competition will not exclude any possible International participant. The only

requirement is the age group. The students participate to the competition with new media art works on IT themes.

The art works will be submitted and presented in digital form through a portal. The final results of the project is

the community that is built around the competition and the art works. A network of role models, mainly female, will

participate to the project, some of which participating as jury of the competition. A selection of the art works will be

presented as both an edited book and in digital form usable on the Web. The project is linked to the International

festival Ars Electronica, a well recognized festival about art and technology that takes place in Linz, Austria,

each September since the late seventies. The winners of the competition will win the participation to the festival.

Publicity of the competition, the Web portal, the final event, the book, and the selected digital art works will be

provided, broadcasted on Television, Radio and on the web. The book and the art works will be the basis for a

further dissemination of IT to students and society in general.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

role models

planning and brain storming
a new book
on science and technologies for dummies
role models
wonna be a role model?
ten short stories
about scientist not famous
with picture and art
to explain
to ``normal'' or ``young'' people
what is a researcher
in engineering
to give role models
to encourage young people
to not be scared by science

open questions:
meaning and importance of modeling
what is a model?
meaning and importance of a good background in maths
why math?
meaning and importance of a good idea and a good plan
how realize ideas
meaning and importance of a good application
how to finalize research