Sunday, November 12, 2006


at this stage, we have a challenge of presenting examples. we need to point out some interdisciplinary research projects and reflect about the research methods, and processes which have been used in these projects. I have my master students who work at the intersection of music and software. and I have supervised 4th years students working with art and software. Laura, let us try to list some possible alternatives and choose one project and start writing about it... what do you think?


Blogger LAURA said...

i need to organize my work with my student. I was thinking of dividing them in teams. Biology, modeling and identification is the aim of the project.
Let me think about it.

4:39 PM  
Blogger letiziajaccheri said...

biology modeling and identifaction is the aim of the project. for me "aim" means goal. is this the aim of the project? or is it the multi disciplinary area? how will your students work? are you going to give them a method? which one?

9:16 PM  
Blogger LAURA said...

Is the multidisciplinary area.
The goal of the project is to understand how an identification process need to be done. The aim is to find a suitable biological moedl to be tested in reality.
The process steps are: Analyse a biological model, understand the key points, collect data, identify it.

11:13 AM  

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